Thursday, February 4, 2010

Can I Join The Army With One Eye How Can One Join The Us Army When He Is Not An American?

How can one join the us army when he is not an american? - can i join the army with one eye

I would like to have join our army, but I am not an American, I want to get the necessary information to enable them to join the army of the United States of pliz if there a way you are, you pliz send me the details for me.


timetrav... said...

Only a recruiter ...

timetrav... said...

Only a recruiter ...

mommy2be in march! said...

First you need a citizanship to a branch of the armed forces to join. How do we know your not down Fricken Iraq! ARD you like our weapons and intelligence to use against us ??!!!??!?!?!

In addition, you must have a high school diploma. Only 1 in 20 can obtain a GED / I know that my husband was a recruiter for the Navy and compared with the army and navy all the time.

Its ..... very difficult to do something about it, if I ask why you want to serve for our country?

siham a said...

can join if you have perminent) a residence permit (green card. U must be at least 17 years with parental consent or 18 and U can sign up. I know because I am not an American citizen, but I'm planning a green card and about to join the Navy. You should have a clean criminal record is not crime or crimes and must be physically fit!

M1A1-PAR... said...

Go back to school. The United States wants men. But I understand your dream of one of the best in the world. I would recommend the French Foreign Legion, regardless of race can join. But let me warn trained hard.

Anonymous said...

So far we have not started yet implimented Recruiting Services.

Deport all ILLEGAL Alien INVADER said...

Legal residents can, if eligible
Through his understanding of the English language I do not think

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